
We are still  accepting enrollment applications for the 20-21 school year.


United Schools of Indianapolis is a partner with Enroll Indy, a city-wide unified enrollment system. In order to enroll at one of our schools, families will need to fill out an Enroll Indy Application. When completing the application, you will need to rank a USI School as #1 on the application in order to have the best chance of being matched with us. Instructions are listed below.

How to Enroll a Student

Families who are interested in enrolling a USI School should complete the following steps:

  1. Complete an application by visiting enrollindy.org/apply.
    • Create a family profile
    • Complete an application
    • Rank a USI school as #1 choice.
  2. Enroll Indy notifies you of a school match (date of school match notification is detailed below).
  3. If matched with one of our schools, you will receive welcome letter from the school detailing next steps for enrolling your scholar.
  4. Attend New Family Orientation (dates will be included in welcome letter) and complete registration documents.

Note: Applying IN THE 1ST OR 2ND Round and ranking a USI school #1 on your application provides the best chance of being matched with us.

Apply Now

Enroll Indy Application Timeline

Round 1: November 1 – January 31 (Results released February 20)

Round 2: February 1 – April 30 (Results released May 21)